

Frequently asked questions about running a registry.

Frequently asked questions

What does a complex component look like?

Here's an example of a complex component that installs a page, two components, a hook, a format-date utils and a config file.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "hello-world",
  "title": "Hello World",
  "type": "registry:block",
  "description": "A complex hello world component",
  "files": [
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/page.tsx",
      "type": "registry:page",
      "target": "app/hello/page.tsx"
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/components/hello-world.tsx",
      "type": "registry:component"
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/components/formatted-message.tsx",
      "type": "registry:component"
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/hooks/use-hello.ts",
      "type": "registry:hook"
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/lib/format-date.ts",
      "type": "registry:utils"
      "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/hello.config.ts",
      "type": "registry:file",
      "target": "~/hello.config.ts"

How do I add a new Tailwind color?

To add a new color you need to add it to cssVars and tailwind.config.theme.extend.colors.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "hello-world",
  "title": "Hello World",
  "type": "registry:block",
  "description": "A complex hello world component",
  "files": [
    // ...
  "cssVars": {
    "light": {
      "brand-background": "20 14.3% 4.1%",
      "brand-accent": "20 14.3% 4.1%"
    "dark": {
      "brand-background": "20 14.3% 4.1%",
      "brand-accent": "20 14.3% 4.1%"
  "tailwind": {
    "config": {
      "theme": {
        "extend": {
          "colors": {
            "brand": {
              "DEFAULT": "hsl(var(--brand-background))",
              "accent": "hsl(var(--brand-accent))"

The CLI will update the project CSS file and tailwind.config.js file. Once updated, the new colors will be available to be used as utility classes: bg-brand and text-brand-accent.

How do I add a Tailwind animation?

To add a new animation you add it to tailwind.config.theme.extend.animation and tailwind.config.theme.extend.keyframes.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "hello-world",
  "title": "Hello World",
  "type": "registry:block",
  "description": "A complex hello world component",
  "files": [
    // ...
  "tailwind": {
    "config": {
      "theme": {
        "extend": {
          "keyframes": {
            "wiggle": {
              "0%, 100%": { "transform": "rotate(-3deg)" },
              "50%": { "transform": "rotate(3deg)" }
          "animation": {
            "wiggle": "wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite"